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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (04) : 223 -228. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2021.04.002


许雪静1,(), 柳月红1, 刘彬彬1   
  1. 1. 100015 北京,首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院眼科
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-20 出版日期:2021-08-15
  • 通信作者: 许雪静
  • 基金资助:
    首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院启航项目(No. DTQH201806)

Fundus characteristics of patients with neurosyphilis and optic nerve atrophy

Xuejing Xu1,(), Yuehong Liu1, Binbin Liu1   

  1. 1. Department of Ophthalmology, Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100015, China
  • Received:2020-09-20 Published:2021-08-15
  • Corresponding author: Xuejing Xu

许雪静, 柳月红, 刘彬彬. 神经梅毒合并视神经萎缩患者的眼底特征[J/OL]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2021, 15(04): 223-228.

Xuejing Xu, Yuehong Liu, Binbin Liu. Fundus characteristics of patients with neurosyphilis and optic nerve atrophy[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2021, 15(04): 223-228.






8例患者均为男性,年龄34~59岁,平均年龄(46.00 ± 8.79)岁。就诊时平均视力为光感~0.6,病程3个月~2年。8例患者(16眼)视盘周围RNFL平均厚度显著下降(28.5~70.33 μm),下降比例为33.39%~73.01%。其中4眼RNFL厚度下降比例为30%~50%,12眼下降比例均> 50%。RNFL鼻侧平均厚度下降最多,其次为颞下、鼻上、鼻下、颞上和颞侧,下降比例分别为60.24%、58.30%、54.48%、51.76%、51.26%和50.00%。8例患者(16眼)中有2例(4眼)眼底彩相检查表现为双眼视盘色淡,其余6例患者(12眼)均表现为双眼视盘苍白,视网膜血管变细。8例患者中仅3例可配合视野检查,且均有不同程度视野缺损。8例患者血清TRUST滴度为1︰4~1︰256,脑脊液TRUST滴度为1︰1~1︰4。8例患者血清梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验(TPPA)(+),脑脊液TPPA(+)。Spearman相关性分析发现神经梅毒患者视力损害程度与血清TRUST滴度(r = 0.075、P = 0.86)和脑脊液TRUST滴度(r = 0.183、P = 0.66)无显著相关性。




To investigate the characteristics of fundus lesions of patients with neurosyphilis and optic nerve atrophy.


Clinical data of 8 patients with neurosyphilis and optic nerve atrophy admitted in Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University from August 2013 to May 2019 were analyzed. All patients underwent serological, cerebrospinal fluid examination and ophthalmic examination which included visual acuity, slit lamp, optical coherence tomography (OCT) measurement of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness around the optic disc, standard color fundus photography, dynamic visual field and fundus characteristics analysis. Visual acuity was converted to the logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMar) for statistical analysis, the syphilis toluidine red non-heated serum assay (TRUST) titers were converted as logarithmic at base 2. The correlation of visual acuity and TRUST titers of blood and CSF were explored by Spearman correlation analysis.


All eight patients were male, with an average age of (46.00 ± 8.79) years old (ranging from 34 to 59 years old). The visual acuity ranged from light sense to 0.6, the course of disease ranged from 3 months to 2 years. The thickness of RNFL decreased significantly in 8 patients (16 eyes), ranging from 28.5 μm to 70.33 μm, with a decrease rate of 33.39%-73.01%, among which, RNFL thickness decreased 30%-50% in 4 eyes and higher than 50% in 12 eyes. Nasal RNFL average thickness decreased the most, following by infratemporal, supranasal, inferonasal, supratemporal and temporal, with the decrease rates of 60.24%, 58.30%, 54.48%, 51.76%, 51.26% and 50%, respectively. Among the 8 patients (16 eyes), 2 patients (4 eyes) showed light optic disc, while the other 6 patients (12 eyes) showed pale optic disc in both eyes. All patients presented retinal vascular thinning. Only 3 patients underwent visual field examination, who had different degrees of visual field defect in 6 eyes. The TRUST titer were 1︰4-1︰256 in 8 patients, while the CSF TRUST titer were 1︰1-1︰4. Serum and CSF treponema pallidus gelatin agglutination test (TPPA) were positive in all 8 patients. Spearman’s rank correlation analysis showed that the degree of visual impairment in neurosyphilis patients were not positively correlated with TRUST titer in serum (r = 0.075, P = 0.86) and CSF (r = 0.183, P = 0.66), without significant differences.


The fundus of patients with neurosyphilis and optic nerve atrophy showed light or pale optic disk and shrinked retinal blood vessels. The thickness of RNFL around optic nerve decreased, and the visual field lacked, which could be manifested as the annular relative dark point or the absolute dark point, and only the superior or inferior temporal optic islands were left with severe visual field loss. Without timely treatment, it would eventually lead to optic nerve atrophy.

表1 8例神经梅毒患者视力以及血清和脑脊液检测
图1 神经梅毒患者logMar视力与血清及脑脊液TRUST滴度的相关性分析散点图
表2 8例神经梅毒患者视力与血清和脑脊液TRUST滴度相关性
图2 病例6右眼视盘周围RNFL厚度
图3 病例6左眼视盘周围RNFL厚度
图4 病例6右眼和左眼眼底彩相图
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