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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (02) : 73 -81. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2022.02.001


肖梦瑶1, 辛小娟1,()   
  1. 1. 400016 重庆,重庆医科大学附属第一医院感染科
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-27 出版日期:2022-04-15
  • 通信作者: 辛小娟
  • 基金资助:
    重庆市科卫联合医学科研项目(No. 2019ZDXM004)

Risk factors for adults with Epstein-Barr virus associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis

Mengyao Xiao1, Xiaojuan Xin1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China
  • Received:2022-01-27 Published:2022-04-15
  • Corresponding author: Xiaojuan Xin

肖梦瑶, 辛小娟. 成人EB病毒相关噬血细胞综合征的危险因素[J/OL]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2022, 16(02): 73-81.

Mengyao Xiao, Xiaojuan Xin. Risk factors for adults with Epstein-Barr virus associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2022, 16(02): 73-81.






EBV-HLH组患者中位发病年龄显著大于IM组[25(21,56)岁vs. 21(18,25)岁,Z =-2.658、P = 0.008],IM组患者较EBV-HLH组更易出现扁桃体炎[83.1%(167/201) vs. 25.0%(4/16),χ2 = 26.556、P < 0.001];而EBV-HLH组患者较IM组热峰更高[40.3(39.8,40.9)℃ vs. 38.9(38.4,39.3)℃,Z =-5.723、P < 0.001]、热程更长[30(18,44)d vs. 7(4,12)d,Z =-5.469、P < 0.001],且更常见肝肿大、腹泻、黄疸、肺炎、出血(χ2 = 18.341、13.444、27.344、68.405、32.967,P均< 0.001)、心力衰竭(Fisher’s确切概率法:P = 0.005)等表现,差异均有统计学意义。与IM组相比,EBV-HLH组患者血常规指标中白细胞[2.2(1.4,3.0)× 109/L vs. 11.2(7.7,14.4)× 109/L,Z =-5.883、P < 0.001]、血红蛋白[(87.8 ± 17.1)g/L vs. (134.4 ± 16.5)g/L,t =-10.806、P < 0.001]、血小板[45.5(27.0,74.5)× 109/L vs. 165.0(133.0,205.5)× 109/L,Z =-6.316、P < 0.001]均显著降低;肝功能指标总胆红素[58.2(13.9,108.3)μmol/L vs. 12.3(9.1,16.7)μmol/L,Z =-4.119、P < 0.001]、乳酸脱氢酶[3 000.0(953.8,6 665.8)U/L vs. 1 459.5(991.0,2 023.6),Z =-3.206、P = 0.001]显著升高,白蛋白[(26.9 ± 4.6)g/L vs.(40.1 ± 4.6)g/L,t =-11.054、P < 0.001]显著下降;凝血功能提示D-二聚体[4.8(0.8,10.4)mg/L vs. 1.0(0.7,1.7)mg/L,Z =-3.063、P = 0.002]显著升高,纤维蛋白原[0.9(0.7,2.9)g/L vs. 2.7(2.2,3.1)g/L,Z =-3.395、P = 0.001]显著下降,差异均有统计学意义。EBV-HLH组患者较IM组患者C-反应蛋白[51.7(31.6,90.0)mg/L vs. 17.2(7.1,23.0)mg/L,Z =-3.206、P < 0.001]、铁蛋白[7 835.0(2 101.5,23 481.5)ng/mL vs. 563.3(213.9,1 215.5)ng/ml,Z =-4.859、P = 0.001]、甘油三酯[2.5(1.8,2.9)mmol/L vs. 1.6(1.1,2.2)mmol/L,Z =-2.809、P = 0.005]均显著升高,差异均有统计学意义。EBV-HLH组患者CD4+ T百分比[36.28(28.90,46.02)% vs. 13.07(9.49,18.16)%,Z =-4.698、P < 0.001]、B细胞百分比[6.50(1.36,9.74)% vs. 1.89(1.06,4.05)%,Z = -2.217、P = 0.027]较IM组升高,CD3+ T细胞百分比[80.14(70.17,87.59)% vs. 91.71(89.02,94.40)%,Z =-3.750、P < 0.001]、CD8+ T细胞百分比[35.60(23.58,50.98)% vs. 72.98(65.02,80.00)%,Z =-4.938、P < 0.001]以及所有淋巴细胞亚群计数均较IM组显著下降,差异均有统计学意义。二元Logistic多因素回归分析发现:发热天数(OR = 1.171、95%CI:1.010~1.357、P = 0.036)为影响IM发展为EBV-HLH的独立危险因素。




To analyze the clinical characteristics of infectious mononucleosis (IM) and Epstein-Barr virus associated hemophagocytic syndrome (EBV-HLH), and to investigate the risk factors for IM progressing to EBV-HLH.


Data of 217 patients with EBV infection who were treated in the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University from January 2016 to December 2020 were collected, and then divided into IM group and EBV-HLH group according to whether complicated with hemophagocytic syndrome or not. The general data, clinical manifestations, laboratory examination, treatment and prognosis of the two groups were collected and analyzed, retrospectively. The clinical risk factors of IM progressing to EBV-HLH were analyzed by multivariate Logistic regression.


The median age of patients in EBV-HLH group was elder than IM group [25 (21, 56) years old vs. 21 (18, 25) years old; Z =-2.658, P = 0.008]. Compared with patients in IM group, patients in EBV-HLH group had higher peaks [40.3 (39.8, 40.9) ℃ vs. 38.9 (38.4, 39.3) ℃; Z =-5.723, P < 0.001] and longer duration of fever [30 (18, 44) d vs. 7 (4, 12) d; Z =-5.469, P < 0.001]. The incidences of hepatomegaly, diarrhea, jaundice, pneumonia, bleeding (χ2 = 18.341, χ2 = 13.444, χ2 = 27.344, χ2 = 68.405, χ2 = 32.967; all P < 0.001) and heart failure (Fisher’s exact test: P = 0.005) in EBV-HLH group were significantly higher than those of IM group, while the incidence of tonsillitis of patients in EBV-HLH group was significantly lower than that of IM group [83.1% (167/201) vs. 25.0% (4/16); χ2 = 26.556, P < 0.001]. Compared with patients in IM group, the leukocytes [2.2 (1.4, 3.0) × 109/L vs. 11.2 (7.7, 14.4) × 109/L ; Z =-5.883, P < 0.001], hemoglobin [(87.8 ± 17.1) g/L vs. (134.4 ± 16.5) g/L; t =-10.806, P < 0.001], platelet [45.5 (27.0, 74.5) × 109/L vs. 165.0 (133.0, 205.5) × 109/L; Z =-6.316, P < 0.001] of patients in EBV-HLH group were significantly higher. The liver function showed that total bilirubin [58.2 (13.9, 108.3) μmol/L vs. 12.3 (9.1, 16.7) μmol/L; Z =-4.119, P < 0.001], lactate dehydrogenase [3 000.0 (953.8, 6 665.8) U/L vs. 1 459.5 (991.0, 2 023.6) U/L; Z =-3.206, P = 0.001] of patients in EBV-HLH group were higher than those of IM group, while albumin of patients in EBV-HLH group was lower than that of IM group [(26.9 ± 4.6) g/L vs. (40.1 ± 4.6) g/L; t =-11.054, P < 0.001]. The coagulation function showed D-D dimer significantly increased [4.8 (0.8, 10.4) mg/L vs. 1.0 (0.7, 1.7) mg/L, Z =-3.063, P = 0.002], and fibrinogen decreased [0.9(0.7, 2.9) g/L vs. 2.7 (2.2, 3.1) g/L; Z =-3.395, P = 0.001] of EBV-HLH patients. C-reactive protein [51.7 (31.6, 90.0) mg/L vs. 17.2 (7.1, 23.0) mg/L; Z =-3.206, P < 0.001], ferritin [7 835.0 (2 101.5, 23 481.5) ng/ml vs. 563.3 (213.9, 1215.5) ng/ml; Z =-4.859, P = 0.001] and triglyceride [2.5 (1.8, 2.9) mmol/L vs. 1.6 (1.1, 2.2) mmol/L; Z =-2.809, P = 0.005] of patients in EBV-HLH group were significantly higher than those of IM group. There were significant differences between patients with EBV-HLH and IM in the percentage of CD4+ T cell [36.28 (28.90, 46.02)% vs. 13.07 (9.49, 18.16)%; Z =-4.698, P < 0.001], the percentage of B cell [6.50 (1.36, 9.74)% vs. 1.89 (1.06, 4.05)%; Z =-2.217, P = 0.027], the percentage of CD3+ T cell [80.14 (70.17, 87.59)% vs. 91.71 (89.02, 94.40)%; Z =-3.750, P < 0.001], the percentage of CD8+ T cell [35.60 (23.58, 50.98)% vs. 72.98 (65.02, 80.00)%; Z =-4.938, P < 0.001], while all lymphocyte subsets in patients with EBV-HLH were lower than those of patients with IM. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the duration of fever (OR = 1.171, 95%CI: 1.010-1.357, P = 0.036) was the risk factors for patients with IM progressing to EBV-HLH.


The duration of fever was the risk factor for patients with IM progressing to EBV-HLH. Patients with infectious mononucleosis who have persistent fever, accompanied by multiple blood cell decline and multiple organ dysfunction, screening for hemophagocytic syndrome should be performed and timely treatment should be taken to improve the prognosis.

表1 IM组和EBV-HLH组患者的临床表现
表2 IM组和EBV-HLH组患者的实验室指标
指标 IM组(201例) EBV-HLH组(16例) 统计量 P值
白细胞[M(P25,P75),× 109/L] 11.2(7.7,14.4) 2.2(1.4,3.0) Z =-5.883 < 0.001b
中性粒细胞绝对值[M(P25,P75),× 109/L] 2.9(1.9,4.0) 1.7(1.0,2.3) Z =-3.310 0.001b
中性粒细胞百分比[M(P25,P75),%] 28.7(19.7,36.7) 67.5(55.9,76.6) Z =-5.750 < 0.001b
血红蛋白( ± s,g/L) 134.4 ± 16.5 87.8 ± 17.1 t = 10.806 < 0.001a
血小板[M(P25,P75),× 109/L] 165.0(133.0,205.5) 45.5(27.0,74.5) Z =-6.316 < 0.001b
三系下降[例(%)] 5(2.5) 16(100.0) χ2 = 150.258 < 0.001c
淋巴细胞绝对值[M(P25,P75),× 109/L] 4.7(2.8,6.3) 0.6(0.3,1.0) Z =-5.788 < 0.001b
淋巴细胞百分比[M(P25,P75),%] 44.0(30.5,54.0) 21.2(12.9,28.6) Z =-4.597 < 0.001b
单核细胞绝对值[M(P25,P75),× 109/L] 0.6(0.3,0.9) 0.2(0.1,0.5) Z =-3.713 < 0.001b
单核细胞百分比[M(P25,P75),%] 6.0(3.0,8.0) 9.0(4.9,12.9) Z =-2.288 0.022b
白蛋白( ± s,g/L) 40.1 ± 4.6 26.9 ± 4.6 t = 11.054 < 0.001a
总胆红素[M(P25,P75),μmol/L] 12.3(9.1,16.7) 58.2(13.9,108.3) Z =-4.119 < 0.001b
丙氨酸氨基转移酶[M(P25,P75),U/L] 192.0(98.5,328.0) 195.5(105.0,320.5) Z =-0.161 0.872b
天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶[M(P25,P75),U/L] 122.0(65.0,128.0) 248.5(92.5,499.3) Z =-2.180 0.029b
碱性磷酸酶[M(P25,P75),U/L] 147.0(94.0,225.0) 165.5(129.3,363.8) Z =-1.996 0.046b
乳酸脱氢酶[M(P25,P75),U/L] 1 459.5(991.0,2 023.6) 3 000.0(953.8,6 665.8) Z =-3.206 0.001b
胆碱酯酶[M(P25,P75),U/L] 6 388.0(5 405.0,7 258.0) 3 715.8(2 726.5,5 051.4) Z =-6.239 < 0.001b
凝血酶原时间( ± s,s) 13.5 ± 1.1 15.4 ± 2.6 t =-5.723 < 0.001a
凝血酶原活动度[M(P25,P75),%] 90.0(83.0,99.0) 66.7(58.7,82.8) Z =-4.614 < 0.001b
活化部分凝血活酶时间( ± s,s) 37.1 ± 6.7 48.1 ± 15.1 t =-5.528 < 0.001a
纤维蛋白原[M(P25,P75),g/L] 2.7(2.2,3.1) 0.9(0.7,2.9) Z =-3.395 0.001b
D二聚体[M(P25,P75),mg/L] 1.0(0.7,1.7) 4.8(0.8,10.4) Z =-3.063 0.002b
C-反应蛋白[M(P25,P75),mg/L] 17.2(7.1,23.0) 51.7(31.6,90.0) Z =-4.264 < 0.001b
铁蛋白[M(P25,P75),ng/ml] 563.3(213.9,1 215.5) 7 835.0(2 101.5,2 3481.5) Z =-4.859 < 0.001b
钙( ± s,mmol/L) 2.2 ± 0.1 1.9 ± 0.1 t =-10.027 < 0.001a
钠[M(P25,P75),mmol/L] 140.0(137.0,142.0) 130.0(128.0,133.8) Z =-6.136 < 0.001b
总胆固醇[M(P25,P75),mmol/L] 3.0(2.7,3.7) 2.1(2.0,2.5) Z =-4.255 < 0.001b
甘油三酯[M(P25,P75),mmol/L] 1.6(1.1,2.2) 2.5(1.8,2.9) Z =-2.809 0.005b
高密度脂蛋白胆固醇[M(P25,P75),mmol/L] 0.6(0.4,0.7) 0.2(0.1,0.4) Z =-4.765 < 0.001b
低密度脂蛋白胆固醇[M(P25,P75),mmol/L] 1.7(1.3,2.0) 0.7(0.2,1.1) Z =-4.848 < 0.001b
表3 IM组和EBV-HLH组患者免疫功能指标
指标 IM(50例) EBV-HLH(16例) 统计量 P值
血清补体C3( ± s,g/L) 0.93 ± 0.19 0.74 ± 0.23 t = 3.142 < 0.001a
血清补体C4 [M(P25,P75),g/L] 0.27(0.21,0.32) 0.34(0.22,0.34) Z =-1.540 0.123b
免疫球蛋白IgA( ± s 2.81 ± 0.97 1.97 ± 0.86 t = 3.105 0.003a
免疫球蛋白IgG(±s 13.63 ± 2.75 10.57 ± 3.04 t = 3.771 < 0.001a
免疫球蛋白IgM( ± s 2.50 ± 1.05 0.79 ± 0.48 t = 6.276 < 0.001a
CD3+ T细胞计数[M(P25,P75),个/μl] 5205(3701,7254) 1 042(300,1548) Z =-4.878 < 0.001b
CD3+ T细胞百分比[M(P25,P75),%] 91.71(89.02,94.40) 80.14(70.17,87.59) Z =-3.750 < 0.001b
CD4+ T细胞计数[M(P25,P75),个/μl] 754(569,954) 429(133,583) Z =-3.457 0.001b
CD4+ T细胞百分比[M(P25,P75),%] 13.07(9.49,18.16) 36.28(28.90,46.02) Z =-4.698 < 0.001b
CD8+ T细胞计数[M(P25,P75),个/μl] 4 010(2 704,6 236) 379(144,1 050) Z =-4.729 < 0.001b
CD8+ T细胞百分比[M(P25,P75),%] 72.98(65.02,80.00) 35.60(23.58,50.98) Z =-4.938 < 0.001b
CD4+/CD8+ T 0.18(0.11,0.27) 1.16(0.62,2.19) Z =-4.956 < 0.001b
CD19+ B细胞计数[M(P25,P75),个/μl] 123(75,84) 81(27,83) Z =-2.767 0.006b
CD19+B细胞百分比[M(P25,P75),%] 1.89(1.06,4.05) 6.50(1.36,9.74) Z =-2.217 0.027b
NK细胞计数[M(P25,P75),个/μl] 311(179,529) 69(28,208) Z =-3.295 0.001b
NK细胞百分比[M(P25,P75),%] 4.74(3.06,8.01) 6.65(4.04,8.64) Z =-1.288 0.198b
表4 IM进展为EBV-HLH的单因素二元Logistic回归分析
表5 IM进展为EBV-HLH的多因素Logistic回归分析
图1 发热天数诊断EBV-HLH的ROC曲线
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