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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06) : 369 -376. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2024.06.007


张瑾1, 曲东1,(), 刘谷月1, 吴雅慧1   
  1. 1.100020 北京,首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院重症医学科
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-09 出版日期:2024-12-15
  • 通信作者: 曲东
  • 基金资助:

Clinical analysis of severe Streptococcus agalactiae infection in 23 small infants

Jin Zhang1, Dong Qu1,(), Guyue Liu1, Yahui Wu1   

  1. 1.Department of Critical Medicine, Children's Hospital Affiliated to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing 100020, China
  • Received:2024-08-09 Published:2024-12-15
  • Corresponding author: Dong Qu

张瑾, 曲东, 刘谷月, 吴雅慧. 小婴儿重症无乳链球菌感染23例临床分析[J/OL]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(06): 369-376.

Jin Zhang, Dong Qu, Guyue Liu, Yahui Wu. Clinical analysis of severe Streptococcus agalactiae infection in 23 small infants[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(06): 369-376.






共纳入23例患儿,男女比例为14∶9,年龄为5~101 d,< 3月婴儿占95.7%(22例)。血流感染合并化脓性脑膜炎13例(56.5%),合并血流感染4例(17.4%),合并化脓性脑膜炎6例(26.1%)。入组患儿中感染性休克12例(52.2%),多脏器功能衰竭12例(52.2%)。硬膜下积液8例(34.8%),脑室管膜炎4例(17.4%),脑积水7例(30.4%)。住院时间为28 h~74 d;治愈12例,死亡3例,遗留神经系统后遗症8例。预后不良组较治愈组患儿,病初白细胞计数[1.9(1.1,6.6)× 109/L vs.11.3(3.6,16.1)× 109/L:Z =-2.585、P = 0.010]和血小板计数[152(78,233)× 109/L vs.301(212,412)× 109/L:Z =-2.523、P = 0.012]更低,脑脊液白细胞[1 425(290,3 500)× 106/L vs.153(5,1 495)× 106/L]更高(Z =-2.093、P = 0.036),脑脊液葡萄糖[0.2(0.1,0.3)mmol/L vs. 2.6(0.7,4.1)mmol/L]更低(Z =-3.171、P = 0.002),脑脊液蛋白水平[5 226(2 935,6 892)mg/L vs.937(558,2 997)mg/L]更高(Z =-3.077、P = 0.002),凝血功能指标凝血酶原时间[17.8(14.5,19.4)s vs.12.9(11.9,15.0)s:Z =-3.016、P = 0.003]和活化部分凝血活酶时间[53.6(44.2,102.3)s vs.40.6(37.2,47.8)s:Z =-2.893、P = 0.004]均延长,pH值[7.3(7.2,7.4)vs. 7.4(7.3,7.4)]更低(Z =-2.585、P = 0.010),应用3种及以上抗菌药物比例(81.8% vs.33.3%)更高(χ2 = 5.490、P = 0.019),成分输血比例(81.8% vs.41.7%)更高(χ2 = 3.884、P = 0.049),28 d非ICU住院时间[0(0,1.0)d vs.8.5(0.3,12.5)d]更短(Z =-2.250、P = 0.024),差异均有统计学意义。




To explore the clinical characteristics of severe Streptococcus agalactiae infection in small infants.


Clinical data of hospitalized infants with Streptococcus agalactiae positive in blood culture or cerebrospinal fluid bacterial culture from January 1st, 2016 to December 31st,2023 in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Institute of Pediatrics was analyzed, retrospectively.


Total of 23 infants were included, the ratio of male to female was 14∶9;the diagnostic age was 5-101 days, the infants under 3 months accounted for 95.7% (22 cases).There were 13 cases (56.5%) diagnosed as septicemia and complicated with purulent meningitis, while 4 cases (17.4%)only with septicemia and 6 cases (26.1%) only with purulent meningitis.There were 12 cases (52.2%) of septic shock and 12 cases (52.2%) of multiple organ failure.Total of 8 cases (34.8%) were complicated with subdural effusion, 4 cases (17.4%) complicated with ventricular meningitis and 7 cases (30.4%) complicated with hydrocephalus.The hospitalization duration was 28 hours to 74 days.Total of 12 cases were cured,3 cases died and 8 cases were left with neurological sequelae.Compared with the cured group, the poor prognosis group had lower white blood cell count [1.9 (1.1, 6.6) × 109/L vs.11.3 (3.6, 16.1) × 109/L: Z =-2.585, P = 0.010] and lower platelet count [152 (78, 233) × 109/L vs.301 (212, 412) × 109/L: Z =-2.523,P = 0.012], higher white blood cell count in cerebrospinal fluid [1 425 (290, 3 500) × 106/L vs. 153 (5, 1 495) ×106/L: Z =-2.093, P = 0.036] at the beginning of illness; and had lower cerebrospinal fluid glucose [0.2 (0.1,0.3) mmol/L vs.2.6 (0.7, 4.1) mmol/L: Z =-3.171, P = 0.002], higher cerebrospinal fluid protein [5 226 (2 935, 6 892) mg/L vs.937 (558, 2 997) mg/L: Z =-3.077, P = 0.002], longer prothrombin time [17.8 (14.5, 19.4) s vs.12.9 (11.9,15.0) s: Z =-3.016, P = 0.003], longer activated partial thromboplastin time [53.6 (44.2, 102.3) s vs.40.6(37.2, 47.8) s, Z =-2.893, P = 0.004], lower pH [7.3 (7.2, 7.4) vs.7.4 (7.3, 7.4)]: Z =-2.585, P = 0.010],higher proportion of three or more antibiotics application (81.8% vs.33.3%: χ2 = 5.490, P = 0.019), higher proportion of component blood transfusion (81.8% vs. 41.7%: χ2 = 3.884, P = 0.049) and shorter 28 day-non-ICU hospitalization duration [0 (0, 1.0) d vs. 8.5 (0.3, 12.5) d: Z =-2.250, P = 0.024].


The clinical manifestations of infection in small infants caused by Streptococcus agalactiae are severe, and they are sensitive to commonly used penicillin and cephalosporins.However, central nervous system involvement can easily lead to serious complications and residual neurological sequelae.

表1 23 例无乳链球菌感染患儿临床资料
表2 23 例无乳链球菌感染患儿的实验室指标
表3 无乳链球菌药敏试验 [(株数)%]
图1 2例典型病例的头颅影像学表现 注:A:可见右侧额叶出血灶、软化灶,双侧额叶硬膜下积液;B和C为同一病例,可见左侧额叶及双侧颞叶局部软化灶,双侧硬膜下积液
临床资料 治愈组(12例) 预后不良组(11例) 统计量 P
年龄[M(P25,P75),d] 47.0(17.0,75.0) 48.0(27.0,80.0) Z=-0.092 0.926
男[例(%)] 5(41.2) 9(81.8) χ2=3.884 0.049
体质量[M(P25,P75),g] 4 380(3 955,5 938) 4 700(3 580,5 120) Z=-0.247 0.805
产时易感因素[例(%)] χ2=4.537 0.033
感染 6(50.0) 1(9.1)
6(50.0) 10(90.9)
母乳喂养[例(%)] 10(83.3) 8(72.7) χ2=0.379 0.538
分娩方式[例(%)] χ2=0.524 0.469
剖宫产 5(14.7) 3(27.3)
顺产 7(58.3) 8(72.7)
临床资料 治愈组(12例) 预后不良组(11例) 统计量 P
脑脊液细菌培养阳性[例(%)] 6(50.0) 10(91.0) χ2=4.537 0.033
血培养阳性[例(%)] 9(75.0) 8(72.7) χ2=0.015 0.901
合并感染性休克[例(%)] 5(41.7) 7(63.6) χ2=1.579 0.454
氧合指数[M(P25,P75),P/F] 293(230,403) 229(121,299) Z=-1.846 0.065
降钙素原[M(P25,P75),μg/L] 112.6(13.5,180.4) 161.2(35.0,200.0) Z=-0.993 0.321
C-反应蛋白[M(P25,P75),mg/L] 120.0(87.3,171.8) 151.0(109.7,208.0) Z=-0.923 0.356
白细胞[M(P25,P75),×109/L] 11.3(3.6,16.1) 1.9(1.1,6.6) Z=-2.585 0.010
血红蛋白[M(P25,P75),g/L] 90(79,128) 87(69,105) Z=-0.062 0.951
血小板[M(P25,P75),×109/L] 301(212,412) 152(78,233) Z=-2.523 0.012
白细胞减少[例(%)] 3(25.0) 8(72.7) χ2=5.239 0.022
血红蛋白降低[例(%)] 7(58.3) 6(54.5) χ2=0.034 0.855
血小板降低[例(%)] 1(8.3) 3(27.2) χ2=1.433 0.231
脑脊液-白细胞[M(P25,P75),×106/L] 153(5,1 495) 1 425(290,3 500) Z=-2.093 0.036
脑脊液-葡萄糖[M(P25,P75),mmol/L] 2.6(0.7,4.1) 0.2(0.1,0.3) Z=-3.171 0.002
脑脊液-蛋白[M(P25,P75),mg/L] 937(558,2 997) 5 226(2 935,6 892) Z=-3.077 0.002
脑脊液-潘氏试验 1.0(0,2.0) 3.0(3.0,4.0) Z=-3.674 <0.001
尿素[M(P25,P75),μmol/L] 3.5(2.9,4.4) 4.91(4.3,8.6) Z=-2.464 0.014
凝血酶原时间[M(P25,P75),s] 12.9(11.9,15.0) 17.8(14.5,19.4) Z=-3.016 0.003
活化部分凝血活酶时间[M(P25,P75),s] 40.6(37.2,47.8) 53.6(44.2,102.3) Z=-2.893 0.004
pH[M(P25,P75)] 7.38(7.3,7.4) 7.3(7.2,7.4) Z=-2.585 0.010
发病至就诊时间[M(P25,P75),h] 24.0(12.8,48.0) 36.0(15.0,66.0) Z=-0.978 0.328
入院前应用抗菌药物[例(%)] 8(66.7) 3(27.2) χ2=3.569 0.059
入院后抗菌药物开始应用时间[M(P25,P75),h] 2.3(1.6,3.4) 2.0(1.0,3.0) Z=-0.823 0.411
≥3种抗菌药物治疗[例(%)] 4(33.3) 9(81.8) χ2=5.490 0.019
呼吸机支持[例(%)] 5(41.7) 7(63.6) χ2=1.110 0.292
成分输血[例(%)] 5(41.7) 9(81.8) χ2=3.884 0.049
28 d非呼吸机时间[M(P25,P75),d] 28.0(22.1,28.0) 20.2(15.3,28.0) Z=-1.565 0.118
28 d非ICU住院时间[M(P25,P75),d] 8.5(0.3,12.5) 0(0,1.0) Z=-2.250 0.024
90 d非ICU住院时间[M(P25,P75),d] 70.5(42.0,74.5) 40.0(26.0,63.0) Z=-1.940 0.052
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