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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06) : 350 -359. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2024.06.005


夏宁1,(), 曾品芳1, 万鸿1   
  1. 1.614000 乐山市,四川省乐山市妇幼保健院儿科
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-07 出版日期:2024-12-15
  • 通信作者: 夏宁
  • 基金资助:

Clinical characteristics of premature infants with eosinophilia increase at different gestational ages and influencing factors of infectious diseases

Ning Xia1,(), Pinfang Zeng1, Hong Wan1   

  1. 1.Department of Pediatrics,Leshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Sichuan Province, Leshan 614000, China
  • Received:2024-06-07 Published:2024-12-15
  • Corresponding author: Ning Xia

夏宁, 曾品芳, 万鸿. 不同胎龄嗜酸性粒细胞增多症早产儿的临床特征及发生感染性疾病的影响因素[J/OL]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(06): 350-359.

Ning Xia, Pinfang Zeng, Hong Wan. Clinical characteristics of premature infants with eosinophilia increase at different gestational ages and influencing factors of infectious diseases[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(06): 350-359.




回顾性收集2020年5月至2022年6月乐山市妇幼保健院收治的232例EOS增多早产儿作为研究对象,根据胎龄分为极早产组50例(27周≤胎龄< 32周)、中期早产组58例(32周≤胎龄< 34周)和晚期早产组124例(34周≤胎龄< 37周)。按1∶1∶1倾向性匹配后,3组患者均为48例。比较匹配后3组患儿性别、产妇围生期高危因素、肺出血、剖宫产、抗菌药物使用、机械通气、输血、白细胞升高、胃肠道异常表现、宫内窒息、母亲情况、感染性疾病、多胎、胎膜早破、妊娠糖尿病、妊娠高血压、羊水污染、前置胎盘、宫内感染、喂养不耐受、出生胎龄、出生体重、出生头围、出生身长、母亲年龄、胎龄、出生体重、出生头围、出生身长、降钙素原(PCT)、白细胞介素6(IL-6)和肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)。根据是否发生感染性疾病,将匹配后的144例患儿分为感染性疾病组(41例)和非感染性疾病组(103例),比较该两组患儿出生体重、出生头围、出生身长、剖宫产、多胎、宫内窒息、胎膜早破、妊娠糖尿病、妊娠高血压、羊水污染、前置胎盘、宫内感染、PCT、IL-6、TNF-α、胎龄和EOS计数。采用Logistic回归分析EOS增多患儿发生感染性疾病的影响因素;采用平滑曲线拟合分析早产儿EOS增多程度与常见感染性疾病发生率的曲线关系并进行阈值效应分析。


匹配后,极早产组、中期早产组和晚期早产组患儿胎龄(F = 18.633、P < 0.001)、出生体重(F = 5.387、P < 0.001)、出生头围(F = 4.330、P <0.001)、出生身长(F = 4.708、P < 0.001)、剖宫产(χ2 = 8.792、P = 0.012)、抗菌药物使用(χ2 =13.580、P = 0.001)、感染性疾病[坏死性小肠结肠炎(χ2 = 6.257、P = 0.043)、败血症(χ2 = 7.412、P = 0.024)、脑膜炎(χ2 = 7.304、P = 0.026)、肺炎(χ2 = 7.304、P = 0.026)、泌尿系统感染(χ2 =7.412、P = 0.024)]以及实验室指标[PCT(F = 13.236、P < 0.001)、IL-6(F = 25.017、P < 0.001)和TNF-α(F = 7.948、P = 0.001)]差异均具有统计学意义。感染性疾病组患儿PCT ≥ 0.44 μg/L(χ2 =31.109、P < 0.001)、IL-6 ≥ 0.44 ng/L(χ2 = 20.990、P < 0.001)、TNF-α ≥ 14.59 ng/L(χ2 = 9.536、P = 0.002)、胎龄(27周≤胎龄< 32周)(χ2 = 6.206、P = 0.045)、EOS计数≥ 1.5 × 109/L(χ2 =8.585、P = 0.003)和喂养不耐受(χ2 = 14.107、P < 0.001)患儿占比显著高于非感染性疾病组,差异均有统计学意义。Logistic回归分析结果显示,PCT ≥ 0.44 μg/L(OR = 2.284、95%CI:1.023~5.354、P = 0.021)、IL-6 ≥ 0.44 ng/L(OR = 6.216、95%CI:1.312~11.624、P = 0.015)、TNF-α ≥ 14.59 ng/L(OR =6.892、95%CI:1.245~9.654、P = 0.001)、胎龄(27周≤ 胎龄< 32周)(OR = 7.004、95%CI:3.654~16.324、P = 0.014)、EOS计数 ≥ 1.5 × 109/L(OR = 5.610、95%CI:1.268~9.021、P = 0.004)以及喂养不耐受(OR = 7.840、95%CI:2.364~11.654、P = 0.002)均为EOS增多患儿发生感染性疾病的影响因素。广义相加模型和曲线拟合分析显示,坏死性小肠结肠炎、败血症、脑膜炎、肺炎和泌尿系统感染发病率均与早产儿EOS计数呈非线性正相关关系,随着EOS计数的升高,早产儿感染性疾病发生率随之增加,差异有统计学意义(P均< 0.05)。




To explore the clinical characteristics of premature infants with eosinophilia (EOS)increase at different gestational ages, the influencing factors of infectious diseases and the correlation between incidences of different infectious diseases and the degree of EOS increase.


Total of 232 cases of EOSincreased preterm infants admitted to Leshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital from May 2020 to June 2022 were collected, retrospectively.According to the gestational age, the preterm infants were divided into the very preterm group (27 weeks ≤ gestational age < 32 weeks), the middle preterm group (32 weeks ≤ gestational age < 34 weeks) and the late preterm group (34 weeks ≤ gestational age < 37 weeks), which were 50, 58 and 124 cases, respectively.After matching according to 1∶1∶1 tendency, there were 48 cases in every group.Gender, perinatal high maternal factors, pulmonary hemorrhage, cesarean section, antibiotic use, mechanical ventilation, blood transfusion, leukocyte increase, gastrointestinal abnormalities, intrauterine asphyxia,maternal conditions, infectious diseases, multiple fetuses, premature rupture of membranes, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension, amniotic fluid contamination, placenta previa, intrauterine infection, feeding intolerance and birth gestational age, birth weight, birth head circumference, birth length,maternal age, gestational age, birth weight, birth head circumference, birth length, procalcitonin (PCT),interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) of the three groups were compared, respectively.According to whether complicated with infectious diseases, 144 matched children were divided into infectious disease group (41 cases) and non-infectious disease group (103 cases).Birth weight, birth head circumference, birth length, cesarean section, multiple births, intrauterine asphyxia, premature rupture of membranes, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension, amniotic fluid contamination, placenta previa, intrauterine infection, PCT, IL-6, TNF-α, gestational age and EOS count were compared between the two groups.The influencing factors of infectious diseases in children with increased EOS was analyzed by Logistic regression analysis.The correlation between the increase degree of EOS in preterm infants and incidences of common infectious diseases were analyzed by smooth curve fitting, while the threshold effect were analyzed.


After matched, gestational age (F = 18.633, P < 0.001), birth weight (F = 5.387, P < 0.001),head circumference at birth (F = 4.330, P < 0.001), length at birth (F = 4.708, P < 0.001), cesarean section(χ2 = 8.792, P = 0.012), antibiotic use (χ2 = 13.580, P = 0.001), infectious diseases [necrotizing enterocolitis(χ2 = 6.257, P = 0.043), septicemia (χ2 = 7.412, P = 0.024), meningitis (χ2 = 7.304, P = 0.026), pneumonia(χ2 = 7.304, P = 0.026), urinary system infection (χ2 = 7.412, P = 0.024)], laboratory indicators [PCT (F =13.236, P < 0.001), IL-6 (F = 25.017, P < 0.001), TNF-α (F = 7.948, P = 0.001)] in the very preterm, middle preterm and late preterm groups were significantly different.In infectious disease group, the proportion of cases with PCT ≥ 0.44 μg/L (χ2 = 31.109, P < 0.001), IL-6 ≥ 0.44 ng/L (χ2 = 20.990, P < 0.001), TNF-α ≥ 14.59 ng/L(χ2 = 9.536, P = 0.002), gestational age (27 weeks ≤ 32 weeks) (χ2 = 6.206, P = 0.045), EOS count ≥ 1.5 × 109/L (χ2 = 8.585,P = 0.003) and feeding intolerance (χ2 = 14.107, P < 0.001) were significantly higher than those of noninfectious disease group, with significant differences.Logistic regression analysis showed that PCT ≥ 0.44 μg/L(OR = 2.284, 95%CI: 1.023-5.354, P = 0.021), IL-6 ≥ 0.44 ng/L (OR = 6.216, 95%CI: 1.312-11.624, P =0.015), TNF-α ≥ 14.59 ng/L (OR = 6.892, 95%CI: 1.245-9.654, P = 0.001), gestational age (27 weeks ≤gestational age < 32 weeks) (OR = 7.004, 95%CI: 3.654-16.324, P = 0.014), EOS count ≥ 1.5 × 109/L (OR =5.610, 95%CI: 1.268~9.021, P = 0.004), feeding intolerance (OR = 7.840, 95%CI: 2.364-11.654, P = 0.002)were all influencing factors of infectious diseases in children with increased EOS (all P < 0.05).Generalized addition model and curve fitting showed that the incidence rates of necrotizing enterocolitis, septicemia, meningitis,pneumonia and urinary system infection were non-linear positively related with EOS count of preterm infants;With the increase of EOS count, the incidences of infectious diseases of preterm infants increased, with significant differences (all P < 0.05).


PCT, IL-6, TNF-α, gestational age, EOS moderate to severe increase and feeding intolerance were all influencing factors of incidences of infectious diseases in children with EOS increase.Necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia and urinary system infection are all non-linearly positively correlated with EOS count in premature infants.

表1 匹配前后极早产组、中期早产组和晚期早产组EOS 增多早产儿母亲的临床特征
表2 匹配后极早产组、中期早产组和晚期早产组EOS 增多患儿临床资料
临床资料 极早产组(48例) 中期早产组(48例) 晚期早产组(48例) 统计值 P
性别[例(%)] χ2=1.174 0.556
25(52.08) 21(43.75) 20(41.67)
23(47.92) 27(56.25) 28(58.33)
EOS计数(xˉ±s,×109/L) 0.94±0.15 0.96±0.17 0.97±0.17 F=0.418 0.659
胎龄(xˉ±s,周) 28.22±1.21 32.15±2.10 35.36±2.23 F=18.633 <0.001
出生体重(xˉ±s,kg) 1.30±0.27 1.87±0.31 2.34±0.41 F=5.387 <0.001
出生头围(xˉ±s,cm) 26.35±1.39 28.69±1.45 29.57±1.31 F=4.330 <0.001
出生身长(xˉ±s,cm) 37.49±2.67 39.34±2.51 41.39±3.67 F=4.708 <0.001
剖宫产[例(%)] χ2=8.792 0.012
41(85.42) 35(72.92) 28(58.33)
7(14.58) 13(27.08) 20(41.67)
抗菌药物使用[例(%)] χ2=13.580 0.001
45(93.75) 37(77.08) 30(62.50)
3(6.25) 11(22.92) 18(37.50)
机械通气[例(%)] χ2=2.182 0.336
6(12.50) 4(8.33) 2(4.17)
42(87.50) 44(91.67) 46(95.83)
输血[例(%)] χ2=1.524 0.467
8(16.67) 6(12.50) 4(8.33)
40(83.33) 42(87.50) 44(91.67)
白细胞升高[例(%)] χ2=2.523 0.283
17(35.42) 14(29.17) 10(20.83)
31(64.58) 34(70.83) 38(79.17)
胃肠道异常表现[例(%)] χ2=2.156 0.340
14(29.17) 12(25.00) 8(16.67)
34(70.83) 36(75.00) 40(83.33)
宫内窒息[例(%)] χ2=1.853 0.396
4(8.33) 3(6.25) 1(2.08)
44(91.67) 45(93.75) 47(97.92)
肺出血[例(%)] χ2=4.978 0.083
1(2.08) 2(4.17) 6(12.50)
47(97.92) 46(95.83) 42(87.50)
坏死性小肠结肠炎 8(16.67) 4(8.33) 1(2.08) χ2=6.257 0.043
败血症 6(12.50) 2(4.17) 0(0.00) χ2=7.412 0.024
脑膜炎 5(10.42) 1(2.08) 0(0.00) χ2=7.304 0.026
肺炎 5(10.42) 1(2.08) 0(0.00) χ2=7.304 0.026
泌尿系统感染 6(12.50) 2(4.17) 0(0.00) χ2=7.412 0.024
PCT(μg/L) 0.56±0.26 0.42±0.23 0.34±0.12 F=13.236 <0.001
IL-6(ng/L) 40.46±10.45 35.74±9.45 26.85±8.74 F=25.017 <0.001
TNF-α(ng/L) 16.74±5.74 14.56±5.24 12.48±4.67 F=7.948 0.001
表3 感染性疾病和非感染性疾病EOS 增多患儿临床特征 [例(%)]
临床特征 感染性疾病患儿(41例) 非感染性疾病患儿(103例) χ2 P
剖宫产 0.441 0.507
28(68.29) 76(73.79)
13(31.71) 27(26.21)
多胎 3.770 0.052
23(56.10) 75(72.82)
18(43.90) 28(27.18)
宫内窒息 2.489 0.115
21(51.22) 38(36.89)
20(48.78) 65(63.11)
胎膜早破 1.153 0.283
9(21.95) 15(14.56)
32(78.05) 88(85.44)
妊娠糖尿病 0.906 0.341
14(34.15) 27(26.21)
27(65.85) 76(73.79)
妊娠高血压 3.799 0.051
26(63.41) 27(26.21)
15(36.59) 76(73.79)
羊水污染 1.687 0.194
5(12.20) 6(5.83)
36(87.80) 97(94.17)
前置胎盘 1.555 0.212
10(24.39) 16(15.53)
31(75.61) 87(84.47)
宫内感染 1.996 0.158
11(26.83) 17(16.50)
30(73.17) 86(83.50)
PCT(μg/L) 31.109 <0.001
≥0.44 31(75.61) 26(25.24)
<0.44 10(24.39) 77(74.76)
IL-6(ng/L) 20.990 <0.001
≥34.35 29(70.73) 30(29.13)
<34.35 12(29.27) 73(70.87)
TNF-α(ng/L) 9.536 0.002
≥14.59 28(68.29) 41(39.81)
<14.59 13(31.71) 62(60.19)
喂养不耐受 14.107 <0.001
14(34.15) 9(8.74)
27(65.85) 94(91.26)
出生体重(kg) 1.774 0.183
>1.5 10(24.39) 37(35.92)
≤1.5 31(75.61) 66(64.08)
出生头围(cm) 0.380 0.538
>28 16(39.02) 46(44.66)
≤28 25(60.98) 57(55.34)
出生身长(cm) 0.979 0.323
>38 15(36.59) 47(45.63)
≤38 26(63.41) 56(54.37)
胎龄(周) 6.206 0.045
27≤胎龄<32 20(48.78) 28(27.18)
32≤胎龄<34 11(26.83) 37(35.92)
34≤胎龄<37 10(24.39) 38(36.90)
EOS计数(×109/L) 8.585 0.003
≥1.5 29(70.73) 45(43.69)
<1.5 12(29.27) 58(56.31)
表4 EOS 增多患儿发生感染性疾病影响因素的Logistic 回归分析
图1 早产儿EOS计数与常见感染性疾病发生概率的平滑曲线拟合图
表5 早产儿EOS 计数与常见感染性疾病发生率的阈值效应分析
感染性疾病 EOS计数 EOS计数增加(×109/L) 感染发生率增加(%) OR 95%CI P
模型1 直线效应 11.016 5.022~21.015 <0.001
模型2 <0.9×109/L 15.841 0.655~22.984 0.747
(0.9~1.5)×109/L 1 20 20.008 15.645~30.879 <0.001
≥1.5×109/L 1 8 8.005 5.112~12.541 0.012
效应差 9.025 6.154~15.047 <0.001
对数似然比检验 <0.001
模型1 直线效应 12.004 9.013~16.042 <0.001
模型2 <0.8×109/L 16.824 0.616~21.978 0.654
(0.8~1.2)×109/L 1 20 20.017 15.641~26.874 <0.001
≥1.2×109/L 1 10 10.005 8.854~13.182 0.023
效应差 16.025 12.052~20.053 <0.001
对数似然比检验 <0.001
模型1 直线效应 5.014 1.541~11.125 <0.001
模型2 <1.1×109/L 21.915 0.946~26.915 0.454
(1.1~2.0)×109/L 1 25 25.140 16.518~30.154 <0.001
≥2.0×109/L 1 6 6.012 3.301~10.871 0.024
效应差 7.015 4.025~12.035 <0.001
对数似然比检验 <0.001
模型1 直线效应 6.155 2.241~11.061 <0.001
模型2 <0.6×109/L 12.885 0.789~16.965 0.365
(0.6~1.8)×109/L 1 23 23.032 16.827~28.129 <0.001
≥1.8×109/L 1 10 10.015 7.542~13.295 <0.001
效应差 11.014 6.754~23.041 <0.001
对数似然比检验 <0.001
模型1 直线效应 14.026 8.265~19.154 <0.001
模型2 <0.7×109/L 16.954 0.912~25.924 0.654
(0.7~1.5)×109/L 1 20 20.003 15.718~25.913 <0.001
≥1.5×109/L 1 5 5.002 3.124~8.007 0.042
效应差 10.025 6.015~16.154 <0.001
对数似然比检验 <0.001
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[9] 杨闯, 马雪. 腹壁疝术后感染的危险因素分析[J/OL]. 中华疝和腹壁外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(06): 693-696.
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