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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (01) : 19 -26. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2024.01.004


1 349例肠道门诊患者院前抗菌药物使用情况调查
王哲1, 陈杨2, 徐京杭1,(), 李六亿3, 樊亚楠1, 纪童童1, 胡可4, 高慧1, 于岩岩1   
  1. 1. 100034 北京,北京大学第一医院感染疾病科
    2. 100034 北京,北京大学第一医院总务处物业管理科
    3. 100034 北京,北京大学第一医院感染管理-疾病预防控制处
    4. 100191 北京,北京大学医学部
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-16 出版日期:2024-02-15
  • 通信作者: 徐京杭
  • 基金资助:
    国家"十三五"科技重大专项(No. 2017ZX10202202)

Investigation on antibacterial agents use among 1 349 patients in enteric disease clinic before consultation

Zhe Wang1, Yang Chen2, Jinghang Xu1,(), Liuyi Li3, Yanan Fan1, Tongtong Ji1, Ke Hu4, Hui Gao1, Yanyan Yu1   

  1. 1. Department of Infectious Diseases, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China
    2. Department of General Affairs, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China
    3. Department of Infection Control, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China
    4. Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2023-12-16 Published:2024-02-15
  • Corresponding author: Jinghang Xu

王哲, 陈杨, 徐京杭, 李六亿, 樊亚楠, 纪童童, 胡可, 高慧, 于岩岩. 1 349例肠道门诊患者院前抗菌药物使用情况调查[J/OL]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(01): 19-26.

Zhe Wang, Yang Chen, Jinghang Xu, Liuyi Li, Yanan Fan, Tongtong Ji, Ke Hu, Hui Gao, Yanyan Yu. Investigation on antibacterial agents use among 1 349 patients in enteric disease clinic before consultation[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(01): 19-26.




选取2021年4月1日至10月31日就诊于北京大学第一医院肠道门诊的1 349例患者,收集患者人口统计学特征、病程、临床表现、抗菌药物的使用、实验室检查结果,根据就诊前是否自行使用抗菌药物分为院前用过抗菌药物组(220例)和院前未用过抗菌药物组(1 067例),分析就诊前使用抗菌药物组患者的临床特征,进一步分析其应用抗菌药物的合理性;计量资料比较采用t检验或非参数检验,计数资料比较采用χ2检验。


共入组1 349例患者,其中男性681例(50.5%),女性668例(49.5%);平均年龄为(44.5 ± 19.09)岁。220例(16.31%)患者就诊前已使用过抗菌药物,使用喹诺酮类患者最多(110例、50%),其次为头孢菌素类(49例、22.3%)和青霉素类(17例、7.7%)。院前使用过抗菌药物的220例患者中,119例(54.1%)临床不建议其使用抗菌药物。较院前未使用抗菌药物的患者,院前使用过抗菌药物的患者学历在大专及以上的比例高(77.6% vs. 67.0%:χ2 = 9.592、P = 0.002),发病至就诊时间更长[34(16,55)h vs. 24(10,50)h:Z =-3.935、P < 0.001]、病程中最高体温更高[36.9(36.5,38.0)℃ vs. 36.7(36.5,37.2 )℃:Z = -3.563、P < 0.001]、腹泻次数更多[7(5,10) vs. 5(4,8):Z =-4.464、P < 0.001]。院前使用过抗菌药物组中建议使用抗菌药物患者较不建议使用抗菌药物者发病至就诊时间较短[29(12.5,44.5)h vs. 44(18,74)h:Z =-2.945、P = 0.003],最高体温较高[37.4(36.7,38.5)℃ vs. 36.7(36.4,37.0)℃:Z =-4.572、P < 0.001],便白细胞计数较高[3(0,15)个/HP vs. 0(0,0)个/HP:Z =-6.658、P < 0.001],出现呕吐(28.7% vs. 16.8%:χ2 = 4.473、P = 0.034)和发热(55.4% vs. 22.7%:χ2 = 24.951、P < 0.001)比例较高。院前未使用抗菌药物组中建议使用抗菌药物患者较不建议使用抗菌药物者发病至就诊时间较短[19(8,37)h vs. 26(11,56)h:Z =-4.331、P < 0.001],最高体温较高[36.9(36.5,37.9)℃ vs. 36.6(36.5,37.0)℃:Z =-6.723、P < 0.001],腹泻次数较多[6(4,10) vs. 5(4,8):Z =-3.512、P = 0.001],便白细胞计数较多[1(0,15)个/HP vs. 0(0,0)个/HP:Z =-12.237、P < 0.001],出现腹痛(70.4% vs. 58.3%:χ2 = 14.601、P < 0.001)、恶心(48.4% vs. 39.3%:χ2 = 7.871、P = 0.005)、发热(37.7% vs. 16.5%:χ2 = 58.642、P < 0.001)和里急后重(25.8% vs. 19.9%:χ2 = 4.685、P = 0.030)比例较高。发病至就诊时间< 24 h患者较> 24 h者最高体温较高[36.8(36.5,37.5)℃ vs. 36.6(36.4,37.0)℃:Z =-4.756、P < 0.001],出现腹痛(66.2% vs. 58.2%:χ2 = 7.120、P = 0.008)、恶心(50.8% vs. 33.9%:χ2 = 31.025、P < 0.001)、呕吐(33.11% vs. 13.9%:χ2 = 54.867、P < 0.001)、发热(28.6% vs. 18.2%:χ2 = 16.122、P < 0.001)比例较高。发病至就诊时间< 48 h组较> 48 h者患者最高体温较高[36.8(36.5,37.4)℃ vs. 36.6(36.4,36.9)℃:Z =-4.847、P < 0.001],出现腹痛(64.4% vs. 56.4%:χ2 = 5.660、P = 0.017)、恶心(46.2% vs. 31.8%:χ2 = 17.820、P < 0.001)、呕吐(28.3% vs. 10.4%:χ2 = 37.737、P < 0.001)和发热(27.5% vs. 12.1%:χ2 = 28.019、P < 0.001)比例较高。




To investigate the prevalence of self-administered antibacterial agents use prior to medical consultation among patients in enteric disease clinic, and then take action to improve the education on appropriate antibacterial agents use and promote rational use of antibacterial agents.


Total of 1 349 patients who attended enteric disease clinic of Peking University First Hospital from 1st April to 31st October, 2021 were selected. General data such as demographic characteristics, disease course, clinical manifestations, use of antibacterial agents, and laboratory test results were collected. All patients were grouped according to whether they had used antibacterial agents before consultation to analyze the clinical characteristics of the population using antimicrobials drugs before consultation and assess the rationality of their use of antibacterial agents. The measurement data were analyzed by t test or non-parametric test, and the counting data was analyzed by χ2 test.


Total of 1 349 patients were enrolled, including 681 males (50.5%) and 668 females (49.5%). The average age was (44.5 ± 19.09) years old. There were 220 patients (16.31%) who had used antibacterial agents before treatment, and quinolones (110 cases, 50%) was the most, followed by cephalosporins (49 cases, 22.3%) and penicillins (17 cases, 7.7%). Among 220 cases who had used antibacterial agents before consultation, 119 cases (54.1%) were not recommended to use antibacterial agents. Compared with patients who did not use antibacterial agents before treatment, patients who had used antibacterial agents before treatment had higher proportion of college education or above (77.6% vs. 67.0%: χ2 = 9.592, P = 0.002), longer course of disease [34 (16, 55) h vs. 24 (10, 50) h: Z =-3.935, P < 0.001], higher maximum body temperature [36.9 (36.5, 38.0) ℃ vs. 36.7 (36.5, 37.2) ℃: Z =-3.563, P < 0.001], and increased frequency of diarrhea [7 (5, 10) vs. 5 (4, 8): Z =-4.464, P < 0.001]. Among patients who had used antibacterial agents before consultation, compared with cases who were not recommended to use antibacterial drugs, cases who recommended to use antibacterial drugs had shorter course of disease [29 (12.5, 44.5) h vs. 44 (18, 74) h: Z =-2.945, P = 0.003], higher maximum body temperature [37.4 (36.7, 38.5) ℃ vs. 36.7 (36.4, 37.0) ℃: Z =-4.572, P < 0.001], elevated fecal white blood cell count [3 (0, 15)/HP vs. 0 (0, 0)/HP: Z =-6.658, P < 0.001], higher percentage of vomiting (28.7% vs. 16.8%: χ2 = 4.473, P = 0.034) and higher percentage of fever (55.4% vs. 22.7%: χ2 = 24.951, P < 0.001). Among patients who did not use antibacterial agents before consultation, compared with cases who were not recommended to use antibacterial drugs, cases who were recommended to use antibacterial drugs had shorter course of disease [19 (8, 37) h vs. 26 (11, 56) h: Z =-4.331, P < 0.001], higher maximum body temperature [36.9 (36.5, 37.9) ℃ vs. 36.6 (36.5, 37.0) ℃: Z =-6.723, P < 0.001], increased incidence of diarrhea [6 (4, 10) vs. 5 (4, 8): Z =-3.512, P = 0.001], elevated fecal white blood cell count [1 (0, 15)/HP vs. 0 (0, 0)/HP: Z =-12 .237, P < 0.001], higher percentage of abdominal pain (70.4% vs. 58.3%: χ2 = 14.601, P < 0.001), nausea (48.4% vs. 39.3%: χ2 = 7.871, P = 0.005), fever (37.7% vs. 16.5%: χ2 = 58.642, P < 0.001) and tenesmus (25.8% vs. 19.9%: χ2 = 4.685, P = 0.030). Compared with cases with course from onset to consultation > 24 hours, patients with course from onset to consultation < 24 hours had higher maximum body temperature [36.8 (36.5, 37.5) ℃ vs. 36.6 (36.4, 37.0) ℃: Z =-4.756, P < 0.001], higher proportion of abdominal pain (66.2% vs. 58.2%: χ2 = 7.120, P = 0.008), nausea (50.8% vs. 33.9%: χ2 = 31.025, P < 0.001), vomiting (33.11% vs. 13.9%: χ2 = 54.867, P < 0.001) and fever (28.6% vs. 18.2%: χ2 = 16.122, P < 0.001). Compared with cases with course from onset to consultation > 48 hours, patient with course from onset to consultation < 48 hours had higher maximum body temperature [36.8 (36.5, 37.4) ℃ vs. 36.6 (36.4, 36.9) ℃: Z =-4.847, P < 0.001], with higher proportion of abdominal pain (64.4% vs. 56.4%: χ2 = 5.660, P = 0.017), nausea (46.2% vs. 31.8%: χ2 = 17.820, P < 0.001), vomiting (28.3% vs. 10.4%: χ2 = 37.737, P < 0.001), and fever (27.5% vs. 12.1%: χ2 = 28.019, P < 0.001).


At present, pre-hospital antimicrobial drug abuse is still a serious phenomenon among patients in enteric disease clinic, and it is necessary to strengthen the management of antibiotics. The highly educated, middle-aged and young people can be taken as the key education targets, emphasizing that the frequency of diarrhea and high body temperature are not indications of antibacterial agents, and the long course of disease cannot be used as the standard to guide the application of antibiotics.

表1 1 349例患者疾病分类
表2 院前未用和用过抗菌药物患者的临床特征
表3 220例院前用过抗菌药物患者中建议使用和不建议使用者的临床特征
表4 1 067例院前未用过抗菌药物患者中建议使用和不建议使用者的临床特征
表5 1 066例患者根据发病至就诊时间< 24 h和≥ 24 h者的临床特征
表6 1 066例患者中发病至就诊时间< 48 h和≥ 48 h者的临床特征
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