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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (04) : 230 -237. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2023.04.003


武元星, 任建伟, 朱光发()   
  1. 100029 北京,首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院呼吸与危重症医学科
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-23 出版日期:2023-08-15
  • 通信作者: 朱光发
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(No. 81970067)

Risk factors of patients with bloodstream infection in cardiac surgery

Yuanxing Wu, Jianwei Ren, Guangfa Zhu()   

  1. Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2023-03-23 Published:2023-08-15
  • Corresponding author: Guangfa Zhu

武元星, 任建伟, 朱光发. 181例心脏外科患者发生血流感染危险因素分析[J/OL]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2023, 17(04): 230-237.

Yuanxing Wu, Jianwei Ren, Guangfa Zhu. Risk factors of patients with bloodstream infection in cardiac surgery[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2023, 17(04): 230-237.






同时期共收治心脏外科患者55 908例,发生血流感染者181例,感染率为0.3%(181/55 908)。血流感染组与非血流感染组间体外循环(CPB)时间(Z = 5.031、P = 0.001)和手术时间(Z = 3.830、P = 0.001)、是否接受体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)(χ2 = 11.569、P = 0.001)、主动脉内球囊反搏术(IABP)(χ2 = 30.685、P = 0.001)和连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)(χ2 = 24.761、P = 0.001)支持、感染发生前使用碳青霉烯类(χ2 = 11.661、P = 0.001)、喹诺酮类(χ2 = 4.096、P = 0.043)、万古霉素(χ2 = 4.096、P = 0.043)以及联合使用抗菌药物(χ2 = 13.286、P = 0.001)差异均有统计学意义;多因素Logistic回归分析发现,CPB时间(OR = 5.031、95%CI:1.843~6.798、P < 0.001)和手术时间(OR = 1.228、95%CI:1.056~1.427、P = 0.008)、接受ECMO(OR = 4.180、95%CI:1.863~9.377、P = 0.001)、IABP(OR = 4.017、95%CI:1.572~10.267、P = 0.004)和CRRT(OR = 8.586,95%CI:2.494~29.560、P = 0.001)操作、血流感染发生前使用碳青霉烯类(OR = 15.742、95%CI:5.699~43.478、P < 0.001)、喹诺酮类(OR = 2.272、95%CI:1.057~4.886、P = 0.030)、万古霉素(OR = 4.297,95%CI:1.199~15.400、P = 0.025)以及联合使用抗菌药物(OR = 4.520、95%CI:2.154~9.484、P = 0.001)均为术后血流感染发生的危险因素。感染组较非感染组患者总住院时间显著延长,差异有统计学意义(Z = 8.033、P = 0.001);感染组患者住院期间死亡52例(28.7%),非感染组死亡17例(9.3%),两组病死率差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 21.935、P = 0.001)。血流感染组中37例(20.4%)患者为单一革兰阴性杆菌感染,28例(15.5%)患者为单一革兰阳性球菌感染,116例(64.1%)患者为革兰阴性杆菌和革兰阳性球菌混合感染;共检出革兰阴性杆菌234株,以鲍曼不动杆菌(64株、27.3%)和肺炎克雷伯菌(56株、23.9%)最常见;共检出革兰阳性球菌145株,以表皮葡萄球菌(69株、47.6%)最常见。单因素分析结果显示,混合感染组与单一阴性菌感染组患者CPB时间(t = -4.010、P = 0.001)和手术时间(t =-8.532、P = 0.001)、接触3种(χ2 = 11.723、P = 0.001)及3种以上(χ2 = 4.618、P = 0.032)侵入性血管内装置治疗、感染发生前使用碳青霉烯类(χ2 = 11.661、P = 0.001)、万古霉素(χ2 = 4.096、P = 0.043)、利奈唑胺(χ2 = 15.174、P = 0.001)、多黏菌素(χ2 = 6.353、P = 0.012)以及联合使用抗菌药物(χ2 = 13.286、P = 0.001)差异均有统计学意义。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,CPB时间(OR = 4.851、95%CI:1.190~1.313、P = 0.015)和手术时间(OR = 14.764、95%CI:1.363~17.264、P = 0.014)、接触3种(OR = 1.257、95%CI:1.046~1.510、P = 0.015)及3种以上(OR = 1.006、95%CI:1.001~1.012、P = 0.032)侵入性血管内装置、混合感染发生前使用碳青霉烯类(OR = 4.765、95%CI:1.770~12.828、P = 0.002)、万古霉素(OR = 7.750、95%CI:1.277~4.203、P = 0.026)、利奈唑胺(OR = 3.925、95%CI:1.665~9.254、P = 0.002)、多黏菌素(OR = 1.987、95%CI:1.985~3.451、P = 0.020)以及联合使用抗菌药物(OR = 1.466、95%CI:1.012~1.976、P = 0.012)均为发生混合血流感染的危险因素,且发生混合血流感染后住院时间显著延长,差异有统计学意义(Z =-1.576、P = 0.001)。




To investigate the risk factors of the occurrence of bloodstream infection, and to analyze the difference of clinical characteristics between multi-bacterial bloodstream infection and single negative bacteria, to provide evidence for the prevention and treatment of bloodstream infection in cardiac surgery.


Medical records of patients with bloodstream infection in Department of Cardiac surgery, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University from January 2018 to October 2021 were selected to summarize the detection and distribution of pathogens. Non-infection patients were selected with 1︰1 according to the age and gender of patients in infection group during the same period. The clinical data of the bloodstream infection group (including the multi-bacterial infection and single infection of Gram-negative bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria) and the non-infection group were analyzed, respectively. The measurement data were analyzed by t test or non-parametric test, and the counting data was analyzed by χ2 test. The indicators that may affect bloodstream infection were analyzed by multivariate Logistic regression, the risk factors of bloodstream infection and mixed bloodstream infection were analyzed.


During the same period, a total of 55 908 cardiac surgery patients were admitted, and 181 cases with bloodstream infection, with an infection rate of 0.3% (181/55 908). The results showed that CPB time (Z = 5.031, P = 0.001) and operation time (Z = 3.830, P = 0.001), usage of ECMO (χ2 = 11.569, P = 0.001), IABP (χ2 = 30.685, P = 0.001) and CRRT (χ2 = 24.761, P = 0.001), exposure to carbapenems (χ2 = 11.661, P = 0.001), quinolones (χ2 = 4.096, P = 0.043), vancomycin (χ2 = 4.096, P = 0.043) and combined antibiotics (χ2 = 13.286, P = 0.001) before infection were statistically different between infection group and non-infection group. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that CPB time (OR = 5.031, 95%CI: 1.843-6.798, P < 0.001) and operation time (OR = 1.228, 95%CI: 1.056-1.427, P = 0.008), usage of ECMO (OR = 4.180, 95%CI: 1.863-9.377, P = 0.001), IABP (OR = 4.017, 95%CI: 1.572-10.267, P = 0.004), CRRT (OR = 8.586, 95%CI: 2.494-29.560, P = 0.001), exposure to carbapenems (OR = 15.742, 95%CI: 5.699-43.478, P < 0.001), quinolones (OR = 2.272, 95%CI: 1.057-4.886, P = 0.030) and vancomycin (OR = 4.297, 95%CI: 1.199-15.400, P = 0.025) and combined use of antibiotics (OR = 4.520, 95%CI: 2.154-9.484, P = 0.001) before infection were all risk factors of postoperative bloodstream infection, with statistically significant differences. The total hospital duration of patients in infection group was significantly longer than that of non-infection group, with significant difference (Z = 8.033, P = 0.001). There were 52 deaths (28.7%) in infection group and 17 deaths (9.3%) in non-infecteion group, the mortality rate of the two groups was significantly different (χ2 = 21.935, P = 0.001). Among bloodstream infection group, 37 patients (20.4%) were infected with single Gram-negative bacilli, 28 patients (15.5%) were infected with single Gram-positive cocci, 116 patients (64.1%) were infected with Gram-negative bacilli and Gram-positive cocci. Total of 234 Gram-negative bacillus strains were detected, Acinetobacter baumannii (64 strains, 27.3%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (56 strains, 23.9%) were the most common pathogens. Total of 145 strains of Gram-positive cocci were detected, among which Staphylococcus epidermidis (69 strains, 47.6%) was the most common. The results showed that CPB time (t =-4.010, P = 0.001) and operation time (t =-8.532, P = 0.001), exposure to 3 kinds of invasive endovascular devices (χ2 = 11.723, P = 0.001) and more than 3 kinds of invasive endovascular devices (χ2 = 4.618, P = 0.032), exposure to carbapenems (χ2 = 11.661, P = 0.001), vancomycin (χ2 = 4.096, P = 0.043), linezolid (χ2 = 15.174, P = 0.001), polycolistin (χ2 = 6.353, P = 0.012) and combined antibiotics (χ2 = 13.286, P = 0.001) before infection were significantly different between multi-bacterial bloodstream infection and single negative bacteria group. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that CPB time (OR = 4.851, 95%CI: 1.190-1.313, P = 0.015) and operation time (OR = 14.764, 95%CI: 1.363-17.264, P = 0.014), exposure to 3 (OR = 1.257, 95%CI: 1.046-1.510, P = 0.015) or more than 3 (OR = 1.006, 95%CI: 1.001-1.012, P = 0.032) invasive endovascular devices, usage of carbapenems (OR = 4.765, 95%CI: 1.770-12.828, P = 0.002), vancomycin (OR = 7.750, 95%CI: 1.277-4.203, P = 0.026), linezolid (OR = 3.925, 95%CI: 1.665-9.254, P = 0.002), polycolistin (OR = 1.987, 95%CI: 1.985-3.451, P = 0.020) and combined use of antibiotics (OR = 1.466, 95%CI: 1.012-1.976, P = 0.012) before infection were the risk factors of postoperative multi-bacterial bloodstream infection, and the differences were statistically significant. The length of hospital duration was significantly prolonged after multi-bacterial bloodstream infection, with significant difference (Z =-1.576, P = 0.001).


Bloodstream infection and mixed bloodstream infection of patients with cardiac surgery are mostly associated with invasive intravascular device implantation and antibiotic exposure, and can lead to prolonged hospitalization and increased mortality, which seriously affect the prognosis of patients. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the surgical operation and the rational use of antibiotics to reduce the occurrence of blood flow infection in cardiac surgery.

表1 血流感染者病原学检出和分布
表2 血流感染组与非感染组患者临床特征
表3 血流感染发生相关危险因素的多因素Logistic回归分析
表4 混合感染组和单一感染组患者临床特征
表5 发生混合菌血流感染危险因素的多因素Logistic回归分析
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