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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2017, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (02) : 134 -140. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2017.02.007


张馨1, 汪茂荣1,(), 杨志国1, 何长伦1, 隋云华1, 沈敏1, 程岩1, 徐静1, 盛云峰1, 董源1, 张玥1, 王耀峰1, 邵珺1, 李鑫1, 张晓凤1   
  1. 1. 210002 南京市,南京中医药大学附属八一医院全军肝病中心
  • 收稿日期:2016-02-05 出版日期:2017-04-15
  • 通信作者: 汪茂荣
  • 基金资助:
    "十二五"传染病防治科技重大专项(No. 2012ZX10002007-003-007)

Curative effect of ribavirin combined with pegylated (Peg) interferon (IFN) α-2a, PegIFN-α-2b and IFN-α-2b for patients with chronic hepatitis C

Xin Zhang1, Maorong Wang1,(), Zhiguo Yang1, Changlun He1, Yunhua Sui1, Min Shen1, Yan Cheng1, Jing Xu1, Yunfeng Sheng1, Yuan Dong1, Yue Zhang1, Yaofeng Wang1, Jun Shao1, Xin Li1, Xiaofeng Zhang1   

  1. 1. Center for Liver Diseases of PLA, the 81th Hospital Affiliated to Nangjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210002, China
  • Received:2016-02-05 Published:2017-04-15
  • Corresponding author: Maorong Wang

张馨, 汪茂荣, 杨志国, 何长伦, 隋云华, 沈敏, 程岩, 徐静, 盛云峰, 董源, 张玥, 王耀峰, 邵珺, 李鑫, 张晓凤. 聚乙二醇化干扰素α-2a、聚乙二醇化干扰素α-2b和干扰素α-2b联合利巴韦林治疗慢性丙型肝炎的疗效[J/OL]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2017, 11(02): 134-140.

Xin Zhang, Maorong Wang, Zhiguo Yang, Changlun He, Yunhua Sui, Min Shen, Yan Cheng, Jing Xu, Yunfeng Sheng, Yuan Dong, Yue Zhang, Yaofeng Wang, Jun Shao, Xin Li, Xiaofeng Zhang. Curative effect of ribavirin combined with pegylated (Peg) interferon (IFN) α-2a, PegIFN-α-2b and IFN-α-2b for patients with chronic hepatitis C[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2017, 11(02): 134-140.




回顾性观察278例CHC患者的临床资料,分为接受PegIFN-α-2a、PegIFN-α-2b和IFN-α-2b联合利巴韦林抗病毒治疗组。比较患者治疗前、治疗第4、12、24、48周时各组患者HCV基因分型、HCV RNA载量、ALT和AST的变化。分析各组患者治疗期间ALT/AST复常率、病毒学应答,不同基因型或HCV RNA载量与病毒学应答的相关性。


停药后随访24周时,各治疗组患者肝功能复常率差异具有统计学意义(χ2 = 23.06、P < 0.001),以PegIFN-α-2a(180 μg)组与PegIFN-α-2b(80 μg)组患者复常率较高(分别为76.7%和83.0%)。各治疗组患者快速病毒学应答(RVR)、治疗结束时病毒学应答(ETVR)及持续病毒学应答(SVR)差异均具有统计学意义(χ2 = 9.79、P = 0.04,χ2 = 11.33、P = 0.02,χ2 = 11.99、P = 0.02),以PegIFN-α-2a(180 μg)组与PegIFN-α-2b(80 μg)组患者较高(分别为62.8%、88.4%、64.0%和64.2%、83.0%、65.1%)。普通IFN-α-2b(600万单位)组、PegIFN-α-2a(180 μg)组、PegIFN-α-2b(80 μg)组患者依次有13例、54例和68例获得RVR,依次有11例(84.6%)、50例(92.6%)和62例(91.2%)最终获得SVR。入组患者中1b基因型患者243例,其RVR、完全早期病毒学应答(cEVR)和SVR均优于非HCV 1b基因型患者(χ2 = 8.23、P < 0.001,χ2= 46.26、P = 0.01,χ2 = 10.22、P < 0.001)。普通IFN-α-2b(600万单位)组、PegIFN-α-2a(180 μg)组、PegIFN-α-2b(80 μg)组低病毒载量(HCV RNA < 6.0 Log10拷贝/ml)患者的SVR均优于高病毒载量患者(χ2 = 4.10、P = 0.04,χ2 = 20.89、P < 0.001,χ2 = 19.60、P < 0.001)。


聚乙二醇化干扰素联合利巴韦林治疗慢性丙型肝炎具有较好疗效,早期RVR对SVR的获得具有很强的预测作用,非基因HCV 1b型和低病毒载量患者疗效优于HCV 1b基因型和高病毒载量患者。


To investigate the curative effect of ribavirin in combination with pegylated (Peg) interferon (IFN) α-2a, PegIFN-α-2b and IFN-α-2b for patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC), respectively.


Total of 278 CHC patients were administered through combined therapy of ribavirin with PegIFN-α-2a, PegIFN-α-2b and IFN-α-2b, respectively. Genotyping and viral load of hepatitis C virus (HCV) , levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminolransferase (AST) of 278 cases were detected at the 4th, 12th, 24th, and 48th week. The correlation between the normalization rates of ALT/AST, virological response, different genotypes or HCV RNA loads with virological response were analyzed, respectively.


The biochemical response showed the normalization rates of liver function significantly different at 24-week follow-up among different treatment groups (χ2 = 23.06, P < 0.001), patients in Peg-IFNα-2a (180 μg) group and Peg-IFNα-2b (80 μg) group were with higher normalization rates (76.7% and 83.0%, respectively). The rapid virological response (RVR), end-of-treatment virological response (ETVR) and sustained virological response (SVR) of patients among different treatment groups were significantly different (χ2 = 9.79, P = 0.04; χ2 = 11.33, P = 0.02; χ2 = 11.99, P = 0.02), patients in PegIFN-α-2a (180 μg) group and PegIFN-α-2b (80 μg) group were with higher levels of the above indicators, which were 62.8%, 88.4%, 64.0% and 64.2%, 83.0%, 65.1%, respectively. In common IFN-α-2 (600 wIU) group, PegIFN-α-2a (180 μg) group and PegIFNα-2b (80 μg) group, there were 13 cases, 54 cases and 68 cases achieved RVR, respectively, while 11 cases (84.6%), 50 cases (92.6%) and 62 cases (91.2%) achieved SVR. Among the 278 patients, 243 cases were HCV 1b genotype, whose RVR, complete early virological response (cEVR) and SVR were higher than those of non-HCV 1b genotype (χ2 = 8.23, P < 0.001; χ2 = 46.26, P = 0.01; χ2 = 10.22, P < 0.001). In common IFNα-2 (600 wIU) group, PegIFN-α-2a (180 μg) group and PegIFN-α-2b (80 μg) group, the condition of SVR of patients with low viral load (HCV RNA < 6.0 log10 copies/ml) were significantly superior than those with high viral load (χ2 = 4.10, P = 0.04; χ2 = 20.89, P < 0.001; χ2 = 19.60, P < 0.001).


Treatment of PegIFN-α combined with ribavirin on patients with CHC is effective. The occurrence of early RVR had predictive effect on SVR. The curative effect for patients with non-HCV 1b genotype and low HCV RNA load showed more effective than patients with HCV 1b genotype and high HCV RNA load.

表1 各组丙型肝炎患者的基本特征
表2 各组丙型肝炎患者抗病毒治疗过程中ALT和AST的复常率[例(%)]
表3 各组丙型肝炎患者抗病毒治疗过程中病毒学应答疗效[例(%)]
表4 不同HCV基因型对抗病毒疗效的影响[例(%)]
表5 各组HCV RNA载量与抗病毒疗效的相关性[例(%)]
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