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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2016, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (05) : 589 -593. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2016.05.016


谭燕1, 王静恩2, 黄苏3, 胡传贤3, 徐志伟4,()   
  1. 1. 201399 上海,上海市浦东医院重症监护室;223001 淮安市,南京医科大学附属淮安第一人民医院心脏外科
    2. 201399 上海,上海市浦东医院重症监护室
    3. 223001 淮安市,南京医科大学附属淮安第一人民医院心脏外科
    4. 223001 淮安市,南京医科大学附属淮安第一人民医院心脏外科;200092 上海,上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院心胸外科
  • 收稿日期:2015-06-27 出版日期:2016-10-15
  • 通信作者: 徐志伟

Analysis of nosocomial infection in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes after cardiac surgery

Yan Tan1, Jing’en Wang2, Su Huang3, Chuanxian Hu3, Zhiwei Xu4,()   

  1. 1. Department of Intensive Care Unit, Shanghai Pudong Hospital, Shanghai 201399, China; Department of Cardiothoracic surgery, Huai’an the First People’s Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Huaian 223001, China
    2. Department of Intensive Care Unit, Shanghai Pudong Hospital, Shanghai 201399, China
    3. Department of Cardiothoracic surgery, Huai’an the First People’s Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Huaian 223001, China
    4. Department of Cardiothoracic surgery, Huai’an the First People’s Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Huaian 223001, China; Department of Cardiothoracic surgery, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Received:2015-06-27 Published:2016-10-15
  • Corresponding author: Zhiwei Xu

谭燕, 王静恩, 黄苏, 胡传贤, 徐志伟. 合并2型糖尿病老年患者心脏术后医院感染分析[J]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2016, 10(05): 589-593.

Yan Tan, Jing’en Wang, Su Huang, Chuanxian Hu, Zhiwei Xu. Analysis of nosocomial infection in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes after cardiac surgery[J]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2016, 10(05): 589-593.






2007年8月至2014年8月收集65岁以上合并糖尿病行心脏手术患者共407例,其中发生医院感染46例(11.3%),感染例次59例次(14.5%)。分离各种病原菌138株,以呼吸系统(55.9%)及血液系统(15.2%)感染为主。糖化血红蛋白> 7%的老年患者心脏术后医院感染比例显著高于糖化血红蛋白≤ 7%的患者(17.1% vs. 12.3%,χ2 = 5.8、P = 0.01)。糖化血红蛋白> 7%患者及≤ 7%患者中,均以呼吸系统感染为主,差异无统计学意义(8.0% vs. 6.4%,χ2= 0.4、P = 0.58)。导尿管留置15 d以上患者泌尿系统感染的比例显著高于留置15 d以下者(6.5% vs. 1.3%,χ2= 6.8、P = 0.001)。革兰阴性菌中以鲍曼不动杆菌为主(21.7%),革兰阳性菌中以表皮葡萄球菌为主(13.1%)。鲍曼不动杆菌、溶血性葡萄球菌及金黄色葡萄球菌均显示多耐药。




To investigate the clinical distribution and antibiotics resistance of nosocomial pathogenic bacteria infection in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes after cardiac surgery.


The nosocomial infection data of patients older than 65 years with type 2 diabetes after cardiac surgery from January August 2007 to August 2014 were analyzed retrospectively.


Total of 407 patients older than 65 years with type 2 diabetes underwent cardiac surgery from January August 2007 to August 2014, including 46 cases (11.3%) with nosocomial infection. Total of 138 strains of pathogenic bacteria were isolated, mainly respiratory (55.9%) and blood system (15.2%) infections. Nosocomial infection rate of elderly patients with glycosylated hemoglobin > 7% was significantly higher than that of elderly patients with glycosylated hemoglobin ≤ 7% (17.1% vs. 12.3%; χ2 = 5.8, P = 0.01). However, patients with glycosylated hemoglobin > 7% or ≤ 7% in both groups, respiratory infections had no significant differences (8.0% vs. 6.4%; χ2 = 0.4, P = 0.58). Nosocomial infection rate of elderly patients with urinary tube longer than 15 days was significantly higher than that of patients less than 15 days (6.5% vs. 1.3%; χ2 = 6.8, P = 0.001). The majority of Gram-negative bacteria were Acinetobacter (21.7%), where as Staphylococcus epidermis was the most in Gram-positive bacteria (13.1%). Acinetobacter baumannii, Hemolytic staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus all showed multidrug resistance.


Patients older than 65 years with type 2 diabetes after cardiac surgery have a high incidence of nosocomial infection. And drug resistance also increases gradually. It is necessary to monitor and control perioperative blood sugar and use antimicrobial drugs rationally in order to reduce the nosocomial infection and mortality in patients older than 65 years with type 2 diabetes.

表1 407例患者医院感染部位感染例次率及构成比
表2 所分离的医院感染主要病原菌的分布及构成比
表3 所分离革兰阳性菌对抗菌药物的耐药率[株(%)]
表4 所分离革兰阴性菌对抗菌药物的耐药率[株(%)]
抗菌药物 鲍曼不动杆菌(n = 30) 肺炎克雷伯菌(n = 13) 铜绿假单胞菌(n = 8) 大肠埃希菌(n = 6) 其他(n = 16)
阿米卡星 26(86.7) 3(23.1) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0)
阿莫西林 30(100.0) 8(61.5) 8(100.0) 3(50.0) 16(100.0)
氨苄西林/舒巴坦 27(90.0) 11(84.6) 8(100.0) 5(83.3) 13(81.2)
磺胺甲恶唑 25(83.3) 6(46.2) 8(100.0) 4(66.7) 5(31.2)
呋喃妥因 30(100.0) 11(84.6) 8(100.0) 0(0.0) 5(31.2)
环丙沙星 26(86.7) 6(46.2) 2(25.0) 3(50.0) 4(25.0)
美罗培南 16(53.3) 3(23.1) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0)
哌拉西林/他唑巴坦 26(86.7) 4(30.8) 2(25.0) 1(16.7) 8(50.0)
庆大霉素 29(96.7) 7(53.8) 3(37.5) 4(66.7) 8(50.0)
头孢比肟 28(93.3) 7(53.8) 5(62.5) 4(66.7) 0(0.0)
头孢噻肟 30(100.0) 8(61.5) 8(100.0) 4(66.7) 0(0.0)
头孢曲松 30(100.0) 4(30.8) 6(75.0) 0(0.0) 10(62.5)
头孢他啶 27(90.0) 5(38.5) 3(37.5) 2(33.3) 8(50.0)
头孢哌酮/舒巴坦 10(66.7) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 5(31.2)
头孢唑啉 30(100.0) 7(53.8) 8(100.0) 3(50.0) 8(50.0)
妥布霉素 30(100.0) 7(53.8) 4(50.0) 4(66.7) 10(62.5)
亚胺培南 15(50.0) 1(7.7) 3(37.5) 0(0.0) 0(0.0)
左氧氟沙星 25(83.3) 4(30.8) 3(37.5) 3(50.0) 3(18.8)
表5 所分离真菌对抗菌药物的耐药率[株(%)]
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