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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (02) : 83 -90. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2024.02.004


尹燕燕1, 刘爱贤1,()   
  1. 1. 100144 北京,首都医科大学附属北京康复医院神经康复中心
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-27 出版日期:2024-04-15
  • 通信作者: 刘爱贤
  • 基金资助:
    首都卫生发展科研专项(No. 2024-2-2251); 首都医科大学附属北京康复医院2020-2022年科技发展专项(No. 2020-027)

Risk factors and prognosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia infected by multidrug-resistant organism

Yanyan Yin1, Aixian Liu1,()   

  1. 1. Neurorehabilitation Center, Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100144, China
  • Received:2023-10-27 Published:2024-04-15
  • Corresponding author: Aixian Liu

尹燕燕, 刘爱贤. 多重耐药菌感染呼吸机相关性肺炎的危险因素及预后分析[J]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(02): 83-90.

Yanyan Yin, Aixian Liu. Risk factors and prognosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia infected by multidrug-resistant organism[J]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(02): 83-90.






符合入组条件的神经重症患者共248例,住院期间明确为MDRO感染的VAP患者(病例组)80例(32.26%),168例(67.74%)患者未诊断MDRO感染VAP(对照组)。两组患者年龄(Z = 0.221、P = 0.026)、GCS评分(Z = 3.153、P = 0.002)、发病至入院前时间(Z = 2.238、P = 0.025)、入院时血红蛋白(Z = 2.502、P = 0.012)、使用机械通气(χ2 = 18.750、P < 0.001)、慢性肾功能不全病史(χ2 = 7.394、P = 0.007)、静脉使用抑酸药(χ2 = 8.556、P = 0.003)、使用中心静脉导管(CVC)(χ2 = 15.262、P < 0.001)和单次气管切开套管囊上引流量(χ2 = 17.908、P < 0.001),差异有统计学意义。多因素Logistic回归分析显示:使用机械通气(OR = 2.514、95%CI:1.326~4.767、P = 0.005),使用CVC(OR = 2.400、95%CI:1.210~4.759、P = 0.012),GCS评分(OR = 0.845、95%CI:0.766~0.932、P = 0.001)和单次气管切开套管囊上引流量(OR = 2.323、95%CI:1.494~3.613、P = 0.032)均为神经重症康复患者MDRO感染VAP的独立危险因素。ROC曲线显示预测MDRO感染VAP的危险因素:机械通气时间、中心静脉导管使用时间、GCS评分和单次气管切开套管囊上引流量的灵敏度分别为43.7%、37.5%、68.7%和86.2%,特异性分别为94.0%、91.1%、54.8%和53.0%;曲线下面积分别为0.687、0.632、0.623和0.728,最佳截断值分别为96 h、16 d、8和2.8 ml。生存曲线Log-rank检验显示,病例组较对照组1年生存率较低,差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 39.004、P < 0.001)。




To investigate the risk factors and one-year prognosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) infected by multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) in patients treated in severe neurological rehabilitation ward.


Total of 248 patients with severe neurological rehabilitation who were hospitalized in the neurological intensive care rehabilitation unit of Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital, Capital Medical University from December 2020 to September 2022 were collected. There were no obvious systemic infection at admission. They were divided into case group (80 cases) and control group (168 cases) according to whether diagnosed with VAP infected by MDRO during hospitalization. Two independent sample t tests were taken for the measurement data with normal distribution and Mann-Whitney U tests were taken for the measurement data with non-normal distribution. The classified data were analyzed by Chi-square analysis. The indicators with significant differences in univariate analysis were independent variables, and the diagnosis of VAP infected by MDRO during hospitalization was the dependent variable. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was performed to find the risk factors of VAP infected by MDRO in patients with severe neurological rehabilitation. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted to assess the value of risk factors to predict the acquisition of VAP caused by MDRO during hospitalization. Survival curves were drawn to compare one-year survival rates between VAP group and control group.


Among the 248 patients with severe neurological conditions eligible for enrollment, 80 patients (32.26%) were confirmed of VAP with MDRO during hospitalization (case group), and 168 patients (67.74%) were undiagnosed (control group). The age (Z = 0.221, P = 0.026), GCS score (Z = 3.153, P = 0.002), time from onset to admission (Z = 2.238, P = 0.025), hemochrome at admission (Z = 2.502, P = 0.012), use of mechanical ventilation (χ2 = 18.750, P < 0.001), history of chronic renal insufficiency (χ2 = 7.394, P = 0.007), intravenous use of acid inhibitors (χ2 = 8.556, P = 0.003), use of central vein catheter (CVC) (χ2 = 15.262, P < 0.001) and single drainage volume of subglottic secretion (DVSS) (χ2 = 17.908, P < 0.001) between the two groups were all significantly different. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis indicated: mechanical ventilation (MV) (OR = 2.514, 95%CI: 1.326-4.767, P = 0.005), use of CVC (OR = 2.400, 95%CI: 1.210-4.759, P = 0.012), GCS score (OR = 0.845, 95%CI: 0.766-0.932, P = 0.001), and DVSS (OR = 2.323, 95%CI: 1.494-3.613, P = 0.032) were independent risk factors for VAP infected by MDRO in patients with severe neurological conditions. ROC curves showed the predicting risk factors for MDRO infection with VAP: the sensitivity of time of MV, time of CVC, GCS and DVSS were 43.7%, 37.5%, 68.7% and 86.2%; and the specificity of them were 94.0%, 91.1%, 54.8% and 53.0%; the areas under the curve of them were 0.687, 0.632, 0.623 and 0.728; and the optimal cut-off values were 96 h, 16 d, 8 min and 2.8 ml, respectively. Comparative survival analysis by Log-rank test displayed that the VAP group infected by MDRO had a lower one-year survival rate than the control group, with significant differences (χ2 = 39.004, P < 0.001).


Shortening the time of mechanical ventilation, reducing unnecessary catheter days, promoting wakefulness and reducing DVSS could effectively prevent VAP infected by MDRO in patients with severe neurological conditions.

表1 MDRO感染分布
表2 病例组和对照组患者的基本临床资料
指标 非MDRO组(168例) MDRO组(80例) 统计量 P
性别[男(%)] 121(72.02) 55(68.75) χ2 = 0.282 0.595a
年龄[M(P25,P75),岁] 63(53,70) 67.5(57,75) Z =-0.221 0.026
损伤部位[例(%)]     χ2 = 0.316 0.989b
大脑皮层 52(30.95) 27(33.75)    
基底节丘脑 45(26.79) 20(25.00)    
脑干 20(11.90) 9(11.25)    
小脑 3(1.79) 1(1.25)    
弥漫损伤 48(28.57) 23(28.75)    
GCS评分[M(P25,P75)] 9(7,12) 7(6,10) Z =-3.153 0.002
发病至入院前时间[M(P25,P75),d] 34(21.00,51.50) 41(29.00,67.00) Z =-2.238 0.025
入院血红蛋白[M(P25,P75)] 110(97.00,122.75) 103(93.00,116.75) Z =-2.502 0.012
入院白蛋白[M(P25,P75)] 34(31.35,37.48) 34(31.10,36.23) Z =-0.781 0.435
机械通气[例(%)] 45(26.79) 44(55.00) χ2 = 18.750 < 0.001a
糖尿病[例(%)] 35(20.83) 21(26.25) χ2 = 0.910 0.340a
高血压[例(%)] 116(69.05) 58(72.50) χ2 = 0.309 0.579a
COPD [例(%)] 0(0.00) 1(1.25) 0.323c
慢性肾功能不全[例(%)] 7(4.17) 11(13.75) χ2 = 7.394 0.007b
使用糖皮质激素[例(%)] 8(4.76) 7(8.75) χ2 = 0.896 0.344
应用静脉抑酸药[例(%)] 39(23.21) 33(41.25) χ2 = 8.556 0.003a
CVC [例(%)] 32(19.05) 34(42.50) χ2 = 15.262 < 0.001a
单次DVSS(1/2/3)*(例) 117/41/10 34/33/13 χ2 = 17.908 < 0.001a
表3 神经重症康复患者发生MDRO的多因素Logistic回归分析
图1 各危险因素预测MDRO感染VAP的ROC曲线注:DVSS:气管切开套管囊上引流量;MV时间:机械通气使用时间,CVC时间:中心静脉导管使用时间;GCS:格拉斯哥昏迷评分。DVSS vs. CVC时间:Z = 2.043、P = 0.0411;DVSS vs. GCS:Z = 2.152、P = 0.0314;DVSS vs. MV时间:Z = 0.833、P = 0.4051;CVC时间vs. GCS:Z = 0.171、P = 0.8646;CVC时间vs. MV时间:Z = 1.511、P = 0.1309;GCS vs. MV时间:Z = 1.162、P = 0.2452
表4 各危险因素对MDRO感染VAP的预测价值
图2 是否发生MDRO感染VAP的生存曲线
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