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中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (03) : 208 -213. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1358.2019.03.007

所属专题: 文献


外周血CD4+ T淋巴细胞数量及强的松累积剂量对成人原发性肾病综合征重度感染的影响
孙良波1, 孟娜娜2,()   
  1. 1. 719000 榆林市,榆林市星元(第四)医院内二科
    2. 712000 咸阳市,陕西省核工业二一五医院肾内科
  • 收稿日期:2018-07-05 出版日期:2019-06-15
  • 通信作者: 孟娜娜

Effects of CD4+ T lymphocyte count and cumulative dose of prednisone in peripheral blood on severe infection of adult patients with primary nephrotic syndrome

Liangbo Sun1, Nana Meng2,()   

  1. 1. Yulin Xingyuan (the Fourth) Hospital Internal Medicine, Yulin 719000, China
    2. Department of Nephrology, 215 Hospital of Nuclear Industry, Xianyang 712000, China
  • Received:2018-07-05 Published:2019-06-15
  • Corresponding author: Nana Meng
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Meng Nana, Email:

孙良波, 孟娜娜. 外周血CD4+ T淋巴细胞数量及强的松累积剂量对成人原发性肾病综合征重度感染的影响[J/OL]. 中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版), 2019, 13(03): 208-213.

Liangbo Sun, Nana Meng. Effects of CD4+ T lymphocyte count and cumulative dose of prednisone in peripheral blood on severe infection of adult patients with primary nephrotic syndrome[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(03): 208-213.


探讨外周血CD4+ T淋巴细胞数量及强的松累积剂量对成人原发性肾病综合征(PNS)重度感染的影响。


回顾性选择2012年1月至2016年12月于榆林市星元医院接受治疗的成人PNS患者120例。根据患者入院48 h后感染程度分为轻度感染组(40例)、中度感染组(52例)和重度感染组(48例)。分析不同组别患者感染部位及病原学分布,并比较不同组别PNS患者临床特征的差异。应用单因素、多因素非条件Logistic回归分析影响PNS患者重度感染的的危险因素。


PNS患者感染以肺部感染(72.1%)为主,肺炎克雷伯菌(10.7%)及结核分枝杆菌(12.1%)为主要病原微生物。单因素、多因素Logistic回归分析显示,强的松累积剂量(OR = 1.587、95%CI:0.144~2.687)和CD4+ T淋巴细胞计数(OR = 0.904、95%CI:0.772~0.999)可增加PNS患者重度感染风险(P均< 0.05)。


强的松累积剂量较大、CD4+ T淋巴细胞计数较低的患者更易发生成人PNS重度感染。


To investigate the effect of peripheral blood CD4+ T lymphocytes and prednisone cumulative dose on severe primary nephrotic syndrome (PNS) infection in adults.


From January 2012 to December 2016, a total of 120 adults with PNS treated in Xingyuan Hospital of Yulin City. According to the infection degree 48 hours after admission, the patients were divided into mild infection group (40 cases), moderate infection group (52 cases) and severe infection group (48 cases). The distribution of infection sites and the pathogens in different groups were analyzed, and the differences of clinical characteristics of patients with PNS in different groups were compared. The risk factors of severe infection in patients with PNS were analyzed by single factor and multi-factor non-conditional Logistic regression analysis.


The infection of PNS was mainly caused by lung infection (72.1%); Klebsiella pneumoniae (10.7%) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (12.1%) were main pathogenic microorganisms. Single factor, multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the cumulative dose of prednisone (OR = 1.587, 95%CI: 0.144-2.687) and CD4+ T lymphocyte count (OR = 0.904, 95%CI: 0.772-0.999) increased the risk of severe infection in patients with PNS (all P < 0.05).


Adults with higher cumulative dose of prednisone and lower CD4+ T lymphocytes count were more likely to develop severe PNS infection.

表1 PNS患者感染部位[例(%)]
表2 PNS患者感染病原学分布[例(%)]
表3 不同感染程度PNS患者的临床特征
临床特征 轻度感染组(40例) 中度感染组(52例) 重度感染组(48例) 统计量 P
性别[例(%)] ? ? ? χ2= 0.58 0.70
? 24(60.0) 34(65.4) 27(56.3) ? ?
? 16(40.0) 18(34.6) 21(43.7) ? ?
年龄(±s,岁) 42.15 ± 8.44 43.02 ± 7.94 42.57 ± 8.15 F= 0.22 0.83
BMI(±s,kg/m2 25.02 ± 2.33 25.12 ± 2.15 24.89 ± 2.01 F= 0.23 0.82
有吸烟史[例(%)] 6(15.0) 8(15.4) 8(16.7) χ2= 0.62 0.66
有嗜酒史[例(%)] 6(15.0) 9(17.3) 12(25.0) χ2= 0.69 0.57
PNS病程(±s,月) 10.23 ± 3.45 10.55 ± 3.15 10.07 ± 2.97 F= 0.19 0.87
强的松累积剂量(±s,g) 1.56 ± 0.25 3.01 ± 1.04 7.26 ± 2.33 F= 2.21 0.01
免疫抑制剂治疗[例(%)] 5(10.0) 17(32.7) 31(64.6) χ2= 2.35 0.02
? 环磷酰胺 1(2.5) 2(3.8) 7(14.7) ? ?
? 环孢素A 1(2.5) 5(9.6) 9(18.8) ? ?
? 霉酚酸酯 1(2.5) 4(7.7) 9(18.8) ? ?
? 他克莫司 1(2.5) 3(5.8) 3(6.3) ? ?
? 硫唑嘌呤 1(2.5) 3(5.8) 3(6.3) ? ?
白细胞计数(±s,109/L) 11.45 ± 1.25 11.78 ± 1.32 12.04 ± 1.45 F= 0.76 0.42
24 h尿蛋白(±s,g/d) 6.12 ± 1.57 6.33 ± 1.47 5.87 ± 1.03 F= 0.98 0.33
白蛋白(±s,g/L) 20.23 ± 3.26 19.56 ± 2.87 21.44 ± 3.44 F= 1.46 0.14
肌酐(±s,mmol/L) 145.26 ± 23.54 155.23 ± 22.31 157.86 ± 20.87 F= 0.49 0.52
IgG(±s,g/L) 7.22 ± 1.35 6.02 ± 1.48 8.14 ± 2.01 F = 1.18 0.23
胆固醇(±s,mmol/L) 8.15 ± 1.67 7.24 ± 2.01 5.07 ± 1.03 F= 2.25 0.01
CD4+T淋巴细胞计数(±s,个/μl) 502.34 ± 105.55 405.65 ± 89.65 300.78 ± 70.85 F= 4.15 <0.001
并发症[例(%)] 4(10.0) 9(17.3) 7(14.6) χ2= 1.22 0.23
? 糖尿病 2(5.0) 3(5.8) 2(4.2) ? ?
? 慢性肺疾病 1(2.5) 3(5.8) 3(6.3) ? ?
? 支气管扩张 1(2.5) 3(5.8) 2(4.2) ? ?
死亡例数[例(%)] 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 8(16.7) χ2= 4.66 <0.001
表4 影响PNS患者重度感染的单因素Logistic回归分析
表5 影响PNS患者重度感染的多因素Logistic回归分析
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